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  • Writer's pictureCharles Allen

Motion is Not Progress 

Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all. I Timothy 4:15 NKJV Someone once said motion and progress is not the same thing. A rocking horse has motion, but it's not going anywhere. I have discovered we have Christians and churches with a lot of motion, but no progress in their lives or work. Paul tells Timothy, in order for your progress to be evident to all, you must do two things in order to have progress and for that progress to be evident to all. 1. Meditate - meditation is something we no longer practice as Christians. We think this is for other religions, but it's not. God told Joshua to meditate for good success. This simple but powerful exercise is simply thinking long, hard and deeply about something. It is a process of removing clutter from your thoughts and thinking on the very thing you have been told or shown. In this case it's both. You must think on what God has said and what He has shown you that He wants to bring to pass in your life. 2. Give yourself to it. - whatever God has said and shown you, you must now step into it. Seating around waiting will not get it. The proverbs teaches us to consider the Ant. This creature is diligent they get up everyday working on their purpose. Nothing ever stops them. They know who they are. They know what they need to do and they do it. Whatever God has said and shown you get up and step into it. Progress isn't progress until there is evidence of forward motion. Sometimes we get satisfied with doing things. Well my friends that is just motion. All movement is not forward movement. I belive that that God has called us to go and take. Go which means to move from some place, thing or person. Take which means to have gain what you set out to do. Go and make disciples of all nations. Go and be healed You get my point. So now Go and do what he has said and Shown you. ~ CCA Excerpt from the upcoming book #Rebootyourlife and part of a training from Rethink U Coaching Systems.

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