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  • Writer's pictureCharles Allen

I realized that I never really had it together

I thought I had it all together, until I lost it all. Through the pain, I realized that I never really had it together at all, but I did have it all....I had and have God.

 The sum of a man is not in what he has or what you may or may not think of him; His worth is who he is in God and what God has spoken over his life. There are a lot of facts about my life; Some good and some bad. Some I am proud of and some I wish never happened.   However, the truth is I am not what I do or did. I am who God called me to be. I fall short of that call daily and yet He still loves me. I don't have it all or know it all. However, I do have Him, know Him, am known by Him, and He kept me through it all. So when I think about it, I guess I do have it all. 

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